The Bell Restoration Fund was launched in 2010. The 2011 augmentation at Temple Guiting was the first project to receive a grant.
Application forms can be obtained from Chris Povey. Applications should be received a minimum of four weeks before the committee meeting at which they are to be considered. |
- The Fund shall be known as The Four Shires Guild Bell Restoration Fund. References to 'The Guild' shall mean the Four Shires Guild of Bell Ringers.
- The object of the Fund shall be to provide financial assistance by way of grants to churches in the Four Shires Guild of Bell Ringers area of operation that are to incur expenditure on the provision, maintenance or improvement of their ring of bells and bell installations.
- The committee of the Guild shall administer the Fund.
- The committee shall have the power, after considering each application submitted to it in writing, to approve a grant from the Fund.
- The committee shall have the power to appoint sub-committees, which will report back their suggested actions fully and promptly to the committee. The committee shall have the power to co-opt such persons as it considers necessary to assist in its deliberations,
- The management of the Fund shall be an item on the agenda of every meeting of the committee.
- The amount of grant given by the committee will depend solely on the state of the finances of the Fund at the time of application. Grants approved by the committee shall become payable after satisfactory completion of the work.
- All monies will be kept in the general account of the Guild and will be accounted for separately by the Treasurer. The Treasurer shall prepare a balance sheet for the Fund as at 31st December each year, including income and expenditure of the Fund in that year, which shall be examined by the Independent Examiner elected by the members of the Guild at its Annual General Meeting.
- The committee shall have the power to raise funds by any means it sees fit.
- Any grant shall lapse if not claimed within two years from the date it was awarded. Should such occur the party to which the grant was originally awarded will be notified of the lapse in writing by the Guild. A written re-application will be allowed, at which point it will be treated as a new application.
- In the event of the dissolution of the Fund, its assets shall be distributed equally to the bell repair funds in the surrounding guilds/societies/associations for them to carry on with the work of bell restoration and repair.